Seminars & Tutorials For Health, Law & Education
Philosophy of mind refers to the philosophical study of the nature of mind, mental events, mental functions and consciousness. Thinking about these issues is the remit of philosophy, psychology and neuroscience. It raises many difficult and probing questions, some of which this tutorial will address.
What is mind and how is it different from consciousness? Is it simply a series of particular thoughts and feelings, or is it something over and above such mental experiences? Can mind be explained in terms of the brain's physical properties, or is the mind something that transcends the physical body? Do animals have mind and, if so, is it comparable with that of humans? At what point does the mind develop and how does it disintegrate?
This tutorial will attempt to answer such questions, together with other which arise. Philosophy of mind constitutes a rapidly developing area which addresses fundamental issues regarding the relationship between brain, mind and cognition.
Which Students Will Benefit From Philosophy of Mind?
This tutorial is designed primarily for very able A2 level students but will also be useful to:
·any AS students with an interest in the nature of mind and consciousness in humans and across the animal kingdom.
·those students considering a university degree and/or career in the following subjects:
Philosophy Psychology Medicine
Neuroscience Life Sciences Veterinary Science
The material presented during this tutorial will complement and develop upon topics and issues encountered whilst studying Philosophy, Religious Studies, Psychology and Biology.
Aims of Philosophy of Mind
There are two main aims to this tutorial:
to provide the student with an overview of philosophical exploration, with a focus on issues relating to mind, its development, its evolution, and its relationship with consciousness.
to consider how mind changes with different physical brain states, and to explore the effects of drugs, brain damage, coma and religious experience on consciousness and mind.