Seminars & Tutorials For Health, Law & Education
One of the major goals of the biological and biomedical sciences is to understand the complex factors which influence human health and cause disease. As advances in genetics and molecular biology herald a new era of medicine, we are still faced with huge challenges in trying to explain, prevent and treat diseases such as cancer and AIDS. Knowledge of the diverse factors mediating disease risk is important not only to the study and practice of medicine and the biomedical sciences but also to that of allied health disciplines such as psychology.
This tutorial is intended to serve as a comprehensive introduction to health and illness, introducing the student to the field of epidemiology and developing basic knowledge of cell biology and genetics. Complex theories of disease aetiology will be considered and the latest theories and research relating to health and specific illnesses will be presented.
Which Students Will Benefit?
This tutorial is designed primarily for very able A- level biology students but will also be useful to:
any A-level students with an interest in the factors responsible for disease causation and the ways in which chronic and infectious diseases may be prevented and treated.
those students considering a university degree and/or career in the following subjects:
Medicine Biological Sciences Psychology
Nursing/Health Studies
The material presented during this tutorial is intended to complement and develop upon topics and issues encountered in A-level biology.
Aims of The Tutorial
There are three main aims to this tutorial:
to explore conceptions of health and illness and to appreciate the complex interaction of social and biological factors determining health and illness states.
to consider chronic and infectious diseases, focusing on the aetiology, development and treatment of coronary heart disease, cancer and AIDS.
to examine the efficacy of techniques for disease prevention employed in different countries, from vaccination to public education.